Many of our patients at Dallas Dermatology Consultants complain of jowls. As we age the skin of our jawline area becomes loose and starts to look like a hound dog with jowls.
There are many treatments that can take away that jowl look.
Non surgical treatments for jowls include neuromodulators (Botox and Dysport) which can be injected along the jaw line to tighten the jowl.
Venus Freeze and Thermage which use radio-frequency to heat up the skin and tighten the jowl.
Sculptra® and fillers (Restylane and Juvederm) can be used in artful ways to hide the jowl.
Surgical treatment – The mini lift is a lower face lift perfected by Dr Maris to tighten the jowl and is performed using only a local anesthetic in the office.