At Dermatology Consultants we have researched the latest in antiaging skin care. While different products have come and gone over the years, one product has remained tried and true. That product is Glycolic Acid, which we think is one of the most effective antiaging and pore reducing products on the market. We prefer it to Retin-A because it is less irritating and patients are more likely to use it on a daily basis. Using a product consistently over a long period of time is one of the keys to success.
In the last ten years research has shown that peptides also offer antiaging effects. Two years ago we introduced a new peptide line that our patients are loving.
We have been slow to get on the antioxidant bandwagon, mainly because of the instability of antioxidants. We were not confident that the antioxidant was stable in the container. We recently added an antioxidant that has been shown by numerous studies to maintain efficacy.
So my favorite routine for mature skin to minimize wrinkles?
If you like an eye cream, we recommend ReGenerix Eye cream which can be used twice daily.