Oily Skin

July 15, 2011

Skin can get oily in the summer due to heat and activation of sweat and oil glands. Patients complain of more problems with acne in the summer, too.

Fight oily skin, blackheads, and acne with our DC Glycolic Acid Wash and DC Glycolic Acid Gel.

If you have very oily skin, wash your face twice daily with the glycolic acid wash, if you have combination, one daily. Apply the glycolic acid gel over the entire face, sparingly, at night for 2 weeks and if you do not experience too much dryness, you can try applying it morning and evening.

If you wear a makeup foundation, be sure you are using one that is water based and not oil based. Or consider switching to a more drying powder.

Dermatology Consultants also offers salicylic acid peels can be performed every other week to help with oily skin, blackheads, and acne.